Friday, February 18, 2011

Haven't had much to update in the last few days... nothing much has changed. Still getting a little stronger every day... am able to stay on my feet for longer periods of time. Going back to work Sunday night/Monday morning. Can't believe I'm actually looking forward to it! Well, I do enjoy my job, but it's nice to have a break once in a while. I remember thinking a while back that it would be nice to be able to take like a month off from work... didn't want it to happen this way though. Glad that Jamie my news director is going to keep an extra person (Sarah) on our shift to help out though. I'm able to go back to work but still am not quite 100%. I was just going to suggest having her on standby if we need her. Not sure how Sarah feels about the idea though.

Trying to get used to staying up all night again... was nice being on a non-vampire schedule for a while though. The overnight hours are so boring when I'm not at work though... not even anything good on TV.

Trying not to take pain meds unless I really have to, but sometimes the pain is just more than I can deal with. It's not severe pain, just really nagging soreness that makes it hard to move around. Really, really don't want to get addicted.

Getting out of the house more and more. Been going out (Nick's driving... I'm still not allowed to) for a couple hours about every other day. Been loving this warm weather we've been having. Too bad I know it won't last. East Tennessee has cold spells into April usually.

Probably going to shave my head this weekend... finally made up my mind on that and finally have the strength to stand in front of the mirror and do it. Too bad there are no barbers that make house calls haha.

OK, I guess that's enough of this boring blog update. Thanks as usual for reading.

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