Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hello Blogsphere!

Tried this a couple times in the past, and failed miserably... but I'm going to give this another go.

I don't have anything specific to blog about right now, so I guess this post is going to be a look at what to expect here.

While I don't know that anybody will be interested in reading the intimate details of my life, I think it will be fun writing about them... so if for some reason this does interest you... thanks!

This blog is just going to be a brief look into the life of a man (me) who works overnights, producing an early morning television news show in the beautiful city of Knoxville, Tennessee.

I plan on posting on some of the unusual things that happen on this shift... or the crazy things that make the news.

I'm probably not your average looking person. 5'3", slim build, with a shaved head and goatee. (You can tell I've been writing news copy with suspect descriptions for too long...) Not everyone understands why I like to shave my head, but I enjoy it for a number of reasons. I never liked my hair... boring and unstylable, no matter how much gel is in it. I like the way it looks shaved, and I like the way my scalp feels when it is. That's it. Nothing more.

I live in an apartment with my roommate and best friend Nick. I'm an avid fan of classic television, which includes sitcoms, dramas, game shows, cartoons, you name it... so expect some posts on that topic.

That's me in an nutshell. (Help! Someone let me out of this nutshell!) So I hope you enjoy reading the blog in the days to come.