Sunday, February 13, 2011

Saturday progress update

Went out to eat Friday for the first time since everything happened. Nick treated me to a burger at Red Robin. Delicious. Felt good to be able to get away from the house for an hour or so even though I was exhausted by the time I got back home. Tonight made it up the stairs for the first time. When we rented this split-level townhouse apartment, I never envisioned the stairs being a problem. The shower is upstairs so I've been stuck taking sponge baths for the last few days. Felt good to finally take a shower. Haven't felt this clean in forever... sponge baths just don't cut it.

Been having some episodes where my temperature jumps up to 99.5 and I feel like crap. Doctor said not to worry unless it gets over 100.3, but I don't like feeling like crap. Hopefully those episodes stop soon. Been taking a little more pain medicine than I have earlier in the week. I think my body is getting used to hydrocodone so it's not working as well. Trying to avoid taking higher dosages... don't want to end up addicted. I've got enough problems already without being addicted to pain pills.

On the upside for the last several hours I've felt better than I've felt all week and even though I did take a pain pill this afternoon, I've just been feeling good. Not a pill-induced high sort of good. I suppose that's a good thing.

Still debating on shaving my head again... for those who don't know me, I tend to agonize over inconsequential decisions. Have my whole life. Ah well I'm sure I'll make up my mind sooner or later. It's only hair... if I regret the decision, it grows back.

Have also gotten back to my side endeavor of writing DVD reviews online. I don't make any money off of it so there's no conflict with my job, but I do get free DVDs so that's definitely a huge perk. My review of "Rocky & Bullwinkle The Complete Series" was published today and there should be one up shortly that I wrote reviewing "Futurama Volume 5."

Anyhoo, enough blogging for tonight. Hoping my recovery continues quickly... can't wait to get back to work... I honestly do miss my job, especially after having been away from it for over two weeks now. See you all later!

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